Amancio Cueto Jr.
Amancio is an electrical engineer with a company that develops and markets a project and service management software. But all the money he earns there, he spends here with music, or with sheet music, CDs, concerts, instruments or more knowledge.

Proud of the owner
Amateur musician by passion, Amancio graduated in classical guitar and harmony, attended various courses in the Oficina de Música de Curitiba (including one in conducting that he will never forget) and now and then have fun with friends playing a cello made by luthier Leandro Mombach, showing skills obtained in 9 years of study with Mary Alice Brandão. However he himself confesses: his favorite pastime is indeed to analyze the scores of his bookshelf, which already has precious copies of Mahler’s 10th Symphony, Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and even Berio’s Sinfonia, among others. He’s proud of his handpicked CD collection, but always says that “more important than the quantity of CDs on the shelf is the amount of music you have stored on your head,” a goal he pursues every day since his childhood.
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Bruno Gripp
Bruno is a PhD student at the University of São Paulo, specialized in classical languages. But aside from language and ancient literature, music is a major passion in his life. He collects CDs for over 10 years and is an avid reader of musical literature, especially of musical theory and analysis, biografisms and stuff like that doesn’t interest him much. He nurtures special interest in scientific and formal aspects of music, in addition to the philological custom now and then appears in searches for origins and genres.

His piano
Although he likes music so long, only four years ago he devoted himself to the study of piano. He will always be an amateur in the instrument and is proud of belonging to this genre of music lover who is becoming increasingly rare.
Bruno nurtures special passion for the music of Mozart and Haydn, and recently has developed a great admiration for the work of Olivier Messiaen. Although not oblivious to the charms of almost any composer, these three composers, plus Janacek, Byrd, Bach, Mendelssohn and Scarlatti are the ones who occupy most of his musical time available.
Fernando Randau
Fernando Randau is Pernambucano based in Rio, where he is a Ph.D. candidate in political science. He listens to music from adolescence due to an old phonograph with some discs of his mother – the dearest was one with Chopin Nocturnes by Rubinstein. He admires countless composers ranging from Monteverdi to Martinu, so that his taste does not seem to have any criteria, which is possibly true. Moreover, he tried to play the violin for three years during adolescence, but had no talent – the teacher did not use those words, but he realized.
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Frederico Toscano
Frederico is an analyst at the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. Post graduate in Management from UFPE, he occupies most of his free time with classical music since the age of nine. He began studying music theory and violin much later, but they were interrupted by mismatch schedule with work and university. Yet he’s always been devoted to music-related literature. He’s lost count of the number of items in his collection and keeps discovering new horizons. The center of his musical world is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – but he also has an old admiration for Vivaldi, Bach, Händel, Haydn, Beethoven, Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini and Verdi. In a more paced manner, Frederico visits other masters who have shown him countless treasures and confirmed that music is definitely an inexhaustible source of revelations and memorable pleasures.
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Leonardo Teixeira de Oliveira
Leonardo is a Master’s degree student of Classics at the University of São Paulo. He participated in a translation of the treatise “Elements of Harmony” by Aristoxenus of Tarentum and has Xenakis in his MP3 Player, which gives a very comprehensive idea of eclecticism – however, for talking a lot about the old familiar Beethoven, he sees himself being called “Beethoven geek” indeed.

His Peruvian 8 little holes ocarina
In practice, he studied a discontinuous four years of classical piano from 14 to 18 years and carried a harmonica to school to entertain the guys, but his specialty and passion is really the Peruvian 8 little holes ocarina. With it, he is acclaimed for playing Mozart’s Horn Concerto No. 3 in E flat major K. 447 and improvisations on tunes requested by friends. Some also say he is an ill-fated expert and collector of MIDIs, which is a lie because everyone knows that the expert in MIDIs of Brazil is Amancio.